Bible Exposition
Bible Exposition contains a downloadable PDF file of Mike’s exposition of all 66 books of the Bible. In one sense, these expositions are commentaries on each book of the Bible. In another sense, each exposition is much more than a commentary because these are manuscripts of messages Mike preached.
To clarify, these Bible expositions are not transcripts of Mike’s messages; they are manuscripts of Mike’s study and his sermonic treatment of each book of the Bible. So, some of the more technical material in the manuscripts did not make it to the audio messages, and some of the material Mike spontaneously added during the delivery of the message did not make it to the manuscript.
Thus, these Bible expositions have a sermonic title, introduction, outline, conclusion, illustrations, and a contextual commentary on each book of the Bible.
To clarify, these Bible expositions are not transcripts of Mike’s messages; they are manuscripts of Mike’s study and his sermonic treatment of each book of the Bible. So, some of the more technical material in the manuscripts did not make it to the audio messages, and some of the material Mike spontaneously added during the delivery of the message did not make it to the manuscript.
Thus, these Bible expositions have a sermonic title, introduction, outline, conclusion, illustrations, and a contextual commentary on each book of the Bible.
The audio section contains instructions on downloading an app on your phone. That app will enable you to listen to the audio version of Mike’s exposition of all 66 Bible books, the courses in the Disciples Bible Institute (designated as DBI), and other messages by Mike and several other people.
Bible Institute
The Bible Institute section will direct you to another website that contains Mike’s Bible teaching at a Bible Institute and sometimes seminary level. The Disciples Bible Institute contains 1) Basic Courses, 2) Advanced Courses, 3) Topical Studies, and 4) Theological Studies.
The Basic Courses cover The Spiritual Life (a believer’s relationship to the Lord), Family Life, The Christian Life (a believer’s relationship to others), Bible Overview, Bible Survey (an introduction of each book of the Bible), Bible Doctrine (a practical explanation of the major doctrines of the Bible), Bible Evangelism, Bible Study, Bible Teaching, and Church History.
The Advanced Courses include The Formation of the Bible, The Translation of the Bible, The Chronology of the Bible, The Historical Accuracy of the Bible (archaeological discoveries that demonstrate the historical accuracy of the Bible), the Synoptic Problem, The Believer’s Relationship to the Mosaic law, and The Riddle of Revelation.
The Topical Studies explain such subjects as Struggling with Salvation (assurance), Eternal Security, Prayer, The Will of God, Worship, Why are There so Many Denominations?, Natural Disasters, The Explanation of Mass Murder, The Unpardonable Sin, Homosexuality, Racism, Wokeism, etc.
The Theological Studies delve into such theological issues as Repentance, Saving Faith, Four Systems of Salvation, Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?, Lordship Salvation, Five Views of Sanctification, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Church Music, Bible Prophecy, How God Treats His Children (Rewards), Roman Catholicism, Calvinism, Pentecostalism, The Healing Heresy, The Miraculous Today, Antinomianism, The Cults, Evolution, Atheism, etc.
The Basic Courses cover The Spiritual Life (a believer’s relationship to the Lord), Family Life, The Christian Life (a believer’s relationship to others), Bible Overview, Bible Survey (an introduction of each book of the Bible), Bible Doctrine (a practical explanation of the major doctrines of the Bible), Bible Evangelism, Bible Study, Bible Teaching, and Church History.
The Advanced Courses include The Formation of the Bible, The Translation of the Bible, The Chronology of the Bible, The Historical Accuracy of the Bible (archaeological discoveries that demonstrate the historical accuracy of the Bible), the Synoptic Problem, The Believer’s Relationship to the Mosaic law, and The Riddle of Revelation.
The Topical Studies explain such subjects as Struggling with Salvation (assurance), Eternal Security, Prayer, The Will of God, Worship, Why are There so Many Denominations?, Natural Disasters, The Explanation of Mass Murder, The Unpardonable Sin, Homosexuality, Racism, Wokeism, etc.
The Theological Studies delve into such theological issues as Repentance, Saving Faith, Four Systems of Salvation, Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?, Lordship Salvation, Five Views of Sanctification, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Church Music, Bible Prophecy, How God Treats His Children (Rewards), Roman Catholicism, Calvinism, Pentecostalism, The Healing Heresy, The Miraculous Today, Antinomianism, The Cults, Evolution, Atheism, etc.
Under the book tab is a list of the books Mike has written and a way to purchase them. Mike has written books on the Spiritual Life, Spiritual Basics, a One-Page Summary of the Psalms, Proverbs, a One-Page Summary of Each Book of the Bible, How to Study the Bible, How to Prepare an Effective Message, A Point to Ponder, The Formation of the Bible, the Healing Heresy, Counseling Theories, the Greek Text Issue (Textual Criticism), the Autopsy of America, etc.